Satya's blog

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Build a customized Gantt chart view in Microsoft Project

When we are managing large programs in Integrated Project Plans (MS Project Plans), often management/PMO is interested to see birds-eye view of Gantt Chart.
In order to meet the requirement,
1. Create custom field 'Flag1' and mark the tasks which you wanted to see them in Gantt chart to 'Yes'
2. Create a custom filter 'filter1' with the rule: Summary is Yes and Flag1 is Yes
3. (optional) create a custom table 'table1' with the required fields/columns
4. Create a view 'Custom View1' by selecting base filter as 'filter1' and base table as 'table1'
5. (optional) In case if you want the users to see the customized gantt chart by default when they open the mpp, goto Tools --> Options --> View tab --> Default View = Custom view1

you can also refer alternative article from the article
