Satya's blog

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Import tasks from outlook

Quickly import tasks and use them as the basis for a new project.
1. Create a new blank project
2. Choose Tools, Import outlook Tasks
3.Click Yes to allow project to access tasks
4. Select the tasks you want to import
5. Click OK. The tasks will appear in your project, along with any durations and start and finish dates.


Shortcuts in MS Project

Shift+F2 : Task or Resource Information
Alt+F10 : Assign Resources
Ctrl+Shift+F5 : Go To selected task / Scroll to task (in Gantt chart bar)
Ctrl+F2 : Link selected task
Ctrl+Shift+F2 : Unlink selected tasks
Ctrl+K : Create a hyperlink
Ctrl+/ : Zoom In
Ctrl+Shift+* : Zoom Out
Ctrl+Home : Moves the cursor into 1st row
Ctrl+End : Moves the cursor to last row last column
F3 : Displays All Tasks/Resources depending on the view type/table (Task/Resource)
Alt+Home : Will take you to the beginning of your schedule in the gantt chart view
Alt+End : Will take you to the end of your schedule in the gantt chart view


Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Grouping and Conditional Formatting

Grouping is one of the most powerful of Microsoft Project features. Grouping allows you to view the tasks in your project grouped in a number of different ways while still having the option to return to the original outline structure. We can format the bar styles elegantly and display the grouped tasks with different colors in Gantt chart using conditional format.
Visit masamiki site to know more details about "Group and Conditional formatting"
