Satya's blog

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Create a Dependency Analysis view

Your goals for the custom Dependency Analysis view include:
  • Creating a View that displays the immediate Predecessor and Successor tasks for any task you select.
  • Determining which Predcessor task is the Task Driver for any task you select.

To meet these goals, create a custom Combination View by completing the following steps:

  1. Click View More Views.
  2. In the More Views dialog, click the New button.
  3. Select the Combination view option and click the OK button.
  4. In the Name field, enter a useful name for your custom view, such as _Dependency Analysis.
  5. Click the Top pick list and choose the Gantt Chart view.
  6. Click the Bottom pick list and choose the Relationship Diagram view.
  7. Select the Show in menu option and then click the OK button.
  8. Click the Apply button to apply the new custom View.

After creating the custom View, select any task in the Gantt Chart pane (top pane) and you'll see the Predecessor and Successor tasks in the Relationship Diagram (bottom pane).

Assuming you have multiple Predecessors, you can determine which Predecessor task is actually the Task Driver by clicking Project Task Drivers (or by clicking the Task Drivers button on the Standard toolbar). Reselect the task in question and the Task Drivers pane will reveal which task is the Task Driver for the selected task.


This article is based on a presentation given by Dale Howard MVP, MCT, MCITP, is the VP of Education for MSProjectExperts, during Microsoft Project Conference 2009 at a special MPUG member session



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